Obtaining Cheats. Open Checkpoint. The icon is the black flag on your homescreen. Select the game you want to cheat on; Press 'Cheats' under Backup and Restore When you see the list of cheats, press Y to save all of them, then press B When prompted to store the cheat save file, press A You have acquired some cheats, now let's use them in game! GTA Vice City is just an ultimate game for playing on Laptop but if you’re playing on Android then you will need to know, how to enter cheat codes on Android running game. If you want to Install and Play GTA Vice City on your Android Device, simply check out the below tutorial, or if you’ve already installed Vice city then read the next. Get the latest Pokemon Pearl cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Pokemon Pearl. First your emulator MUST have either a -Action Replay(max) ROM -Or a cheat, AR Action Replay button in the toolbar. Then you need to start the game(you dont need in all cases,it decides from youe. Make sure the code on the page matches the code on the editor, if so, find a cheat you want then copy the code. For this example, I will use the Infinite Gil cheat. Now on the editor, go CodeAdd Code. Add the name of the code, any extra info about the code, then in the box under Cheat Data, paste the code there.
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Get the latest Pokemon Y cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo 3DS (3DS). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
How do you enter codes? Pokemon SoulSilver Version DS. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. 2010/03/pokemon-soul-silver-part-2.html ok I cheat. There has never been an in game location to enter cheats. Beware, hacking can damage your game. You can lose your Pokemon, trap yourself (unable to move), and create checkstops that prevent you from continuing. You cannot enter official tournaments with a hacked game.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Nintendo 3DS cheats we have available for Pokemon Y.
We have no tips for Pokemon Y yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Heal Your Party
To fully restore your party anywhere in the game, simply start a wireless battle.If your opponent accepts, once you are returned to the overworld, your entireparty will be in perfect health.
Legendary Birds

First, you must beat the Elite 4, one of the three legendary birds from theoriginal Pokemon Red and Blue will start roaming throughout Kalos. Which bird youget depends on your starter. If you chose Froakie, you'll find Moltres. If youchose Chespin, you'll find Articuno. If you chose Fennekin, you'll find Zapdos.After encountering one of the birds in the wild, check its entry in your CoastalKalos Pokedex. It'll show the bird's current location. You must walk - not fly -to the location and challenge the bird again. After fleeing several times, thebird will eventually retreat to Sea Spirit's Den, finally giving you the chance tocatch it.
Unlock The Friend Safari
To unlock the friend safari you need to defeat the Elite Four and then goto Kiloude City.
Unlock The National Pokedex
After beating the Elite 4, return to Lumiose City and speak to Professor Sycamoreat the train station. You'll receive a final upgrade to your Pokedex that coversPokemon beyond the Kalos region.
Full Medals List

Pokemon Go Cheats Pc
We have no easter eggs for Pokemon Y yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Pokemon Y yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: spooky96.Read the full guide...
First I want to apologize if this is in the wrong area but i'm sure with the popularity of this emulator grows guides like this might be needed so why not just make it now so it makes life easier for everyone.How To Enter Cheat Coden9n Pokemon Ds Games
This guide is designed to show you how to add cheats to be used on DraStic and it only requires several programs and a little patience. Also this isn't a request thread so if you want a certain cheat code then please look elsewhere.
- usrcheat.dat
- Game ROM
Please download the the files required and be sure to make a backup of them incase you lose something.
2. Finding the game ID
You need R4CCE.exe so be sure to download it if you haven't already. This program is used to finding the GAME ID for the ROM that you want to add cheats to. Its also the program that you'll be using to edit usrcheat.dat or cheat.dat, depending on which of the 2 DATs that is usable but I think only usrcheat.dat can be used with DraStic.
- What to do:
- Run the program
- Click the blue R4 icon then click ADD GAME
- Click the '...' button next to the 'Dup?' button
- Locate the ROM you wish to add cheats to then open it
- See and take note of the GAME ID as shown in the picture below marked in the red and green box then be sure to tick the Game Enable box
- Now save if you wish but its time to add some cheats
3. Adding your cheats
- Choose and expand one of the folders you see with the game you want, if it isn't there then add it by referring to part 1 above
- You should be then met with a screen similar or exactly like this one
- Then select the code you want to edit or add a new one
- After this all you need to do is have the cheat you want then paste it in the box under 'code List'
- Be sure to name it something easy to remember otherwise you might select the wrong code
- If you wish to make it cleaner then you can put them in folders by selecting 'Add Folder'
- Then drag and drop the code within the list to the preferred folder
- Now go to 'file' and then 'save' to save your updated usrcheat.dat
- All you need to do now is copy it to your phone so first copy it to the root of your Internal storage/SD card
- Then select move or copy
- Open up your folder called 'DraStic' then paste your usrcheat.dat and overwrite if needed
- All you have to do now is load up DraStic and your game and select your cheat.
Edit to add the accommodate changes in 2.1.3a