Hidden Hotel Game Cheats For Iphone

  • 9th Puzzle Water Wheel Center Piece

Hidden Hotel Cheat Tool can be acquired for your Android or iOS device, it features a user-friendly interface and is simple manageable. This Hidden Hotel online generator is undetectable because of. MegaGames - founded in 1998, is a comprehensive hardcore gaming resource covering Game Trainers, Mods, News, Fixes, Videos, Patches, Editorials, Freegames, Demos.

You need to make two center pieces for the water wheel to work.Cheats
In order to make the center pieces, you need:
Metal- stone+fire.
Forge bucket- ceramic+clay.
Other important info:
Ceramic= limestone+cement.
Clay= water+red earth.
Making a forge bucket requires crafting to be upgraded 3 times.
  • Baby making and children tips

Here are random children tips:
Children can provide food by foraging mushrooms, just put a child on a mushroom when one appears. Adults can't forage mushrooms.
Children won't work until they are 14
When putting a child on another, they will automatically play with each other
Children can heal a sick villager. This will improve their healing skill.
(in previous games children could gain Farming Skill by picking up mushrooms, but I haven't noticed this in this version of the game yet)
Children will have their adult's voice at the age of 11
Adults cannot have babies before they are 18
Nursing mother will stop working until the baby is 2 years old
Upgrading Medicine will increase fertility rate and chances to have twins or triplets
Twins and triplets will be identical in appearance and skills and will share the same likes/dislikes but won't have the same name.
Twins and triplets will always be all boys or all girls. You cannot have fake twins.
Children can inherit skills from their parents
The game doesn't take into account families ties, so your villager can have babies with his parents, siblings, or his own children if they are 18(it's weird, but hey, that's how the game works, I'm not responsible).
If you activate 'auto-breeding' option from the skill menu, the villager will constantly try to have babies with all the adults available (including his own family) if it's a woman, she will have babies with all the adult males of the village. If it's a man, he will constantly try to have babies with all the women who don't already have babies.
If your villagers have difficulties having babies, try to upgrade the medical tech, or try a different couple of villagers.
Your village as a limited population number, which can be increased by crafting more huts. The maximum population number is 100
Fertility decrease with age. An 18 years old villager have more chances to procreate than a 50 years old villager. After 40 years old having babies is really hard, but possible if you insist a lot.
Children can die just as adults, so pay attention to their health.
If a nursing mother dies, the child won't die and automatically age to 2 years old.
  • Collecting fruit from your garden

Here's a great tip! If you drop multiple villagers on your garden collectibles, you can gather more than one at a time. Such as you can with the fireflies.( i.e. If you are collecting blueberries, drop multiple villagers immediately onto the blueberry patch at the same time and they will all collect blueberries. I try to move as many villagers in close vicinity of the garden before collecting, because as soon as the 1st villager gathers the fruit, your chance to gather more will be missed.)
  • Crafting combos chapter 2

Paste- dust+ oil
Red paint-paste and rose
Blue paint - paste+ blueberry
Green paint - paste + Moss
Fine powder - charcoal+ salt Peter
Boom powder - fine powder + sulfur
Boom stick - boom powder + bamboo
Hardened glass- glass +glass
Unpolished mirror - Hardened glass + clay
Soft pot - fire up oven using rocks by the stairs (near coconut tree) and put a villager on the crafting hut to take clay to the oven and after 1 min collect the soft pot.
Clay pot - soft pot + fire
Planting soil - moss+ red earth
Ore - earth and lava.
  • Crafting Combos You Can Make

Oil = Coal + water
Stone = Lava + Water
Steam = Found/Air + Water
Ash = Fire + Dust
Clay = Red Earth + Water
Energy = Air + Fire
Dust = Earth + Air
Bacteria = Algae + Water
Mixed Herbs = Grass+ Wheat Grass
Silk = Web + Web
Clay Brick = Clay + Fire
Metal = Found/Stone + Fire
Dough = Flour + Water
Fertilizer = Mixed herbs + earth
Glass = Sand + Fire
Flour = Wheat + Stone
Limestone = Seashell + Stone
Cement = Stone + Clay
Ceramic = Limestone + Cement
Potion = Magic + Water
Worm = Fertilizer +Bacteria
Mini Eggs = Bacteria + Pond water
Rope = Vine + Vine
Antidote = Poison + Magic
Sulfur = Fertilizer + Limestone
Forge Bucket = Ceramic + Clay
Red Butterfly = Strawberry+ Worm
Orange Butterfly = Orange + Worm
Blue Butterfly = Blueberry + Worm
Green Butterfly = Mixed herbs + Worm
Red Glass = Red Butterfly + Glass
Yellow Glass = Sulphur+ Glass
Blue Glass = Blue Butterfly + Glass
Magic concentrate = Magic + Magic
Jumping potion = Magic concentrate + Air
  • Creating Statues

Blue statue
Step 1: Pour water on fire to reveal blue diamond.
Step 2: Jump potion to get Ruby near mausoleum.
Step 3: Build the green statue beside boulder. U'll need a chief to draw plans for this statue
Step 4: Craft blue glass and bring to statue.
Yellow statue
Step 1: Get three necklace piece from daily quest or cracks.
Step 2: Pan for gold and bring to anvil.
Step 3: Upgrade construction skills and draw some plans.
Step 4: Craft yellow glass.
Red statue
Step 1: Make soup.
Step 2: Build clothing hut... after tech upgrade crate of braid will appear... then flower will pollinate..bring them to tree.
Step 3: Need one child and adult to capture crab..crab will fix slippery rock.
Step 4: Craft red glass.
  • Flying squirrels

Squirrel seeds + squirrel berries = flying squirrel food. You can take the food from the crafting hut and take it to the hole by the clothing hut where the eyes appear by the vines.
  • Gathering Air Is Hard

I have found that to gather air, you have to be by the science tables and wait for it to catch it. Always try to use someone that you have improved as a gatherer. You chances are better if you do. Air is gathered from the twister that travels down the edge of the water. It usually appears a bit after the fire appears. You have to be pretty quick to catch the fire and the air. They are short lived on the screen.
  • Getting steam easily without mixing

Drag a villager to the end of the lava closest to the water and the villager will say inspecting strange fog drop your villager there and will change to gathering resources.
  • Healing villagers and Frogs

In the game, sickness is caused by poisonous frogs. Frogs can be killed by children. The only way to get healing skill up is by healing sick villagers.
  • How long it takes to make blue glass

It takes 2 days to craft blue glass. Blue glass = blue butterfly + glass.
  • How to get chief and master gatherer

Healer and master gatherer is the most difficult skill to learn. You can train your healer set your villager preferences to healer and don't pick poisonous frog on your village so you will get many sick villagers to increase healers skill. You need 2 healer so if one healer get sick you still got one healer who can perform cure. Every a few days you will get trivia to help someone on a boat,just help her to shore and you will get master healer. Train master healer to gather things until she master it. After your master healer master three other skill you will get chief.
  • Lava stone Island Event

The event basically says that [Villager Name] saw a burning rock fall from the heavens and it's changing color. If they cool it they could use it for something.' Your options are essentially to throw water on it or leave it alone. Throwing water on it will snag you lava stones. Not much in the way of getting around the cash grab that lava stones clearly are, but at least it's something, I suppose.
  • Lemurs and Herons

It is well worth the few dollars to obtain both the Lemur and the Heron. The Lemur gathers things for you such as...Tech Points (lots!), limestone, worms, magic, metal and other things as well. The Heron just eats frogs! When you get the crate about a crab... keep the crab. It beomes your pet. It doesn't do anything that I know of but... So far all crates I have opened have been good.
  • Like-Dislikes list

1 Ants - No effects
2 Crowds - No effects
3 Resting - Like: Will often rest Dislike: Will often be sick
4 Laundry - Like: Will often do the laundry
5 Medicine - If disliked, won't be a doctor
6 Turnips - No effects
7 Butterflies - Won't interact with butterflies if disliked
8 Flowers - Won't gather flower is disliked
9 Bees - Be afraid of bees if disliked
10 The Dark - No effect
11 Caves - Won't enter any cave if disliked
12 Herbs - Won't gather any herbs if disliked
13 Berries - won't gather any berries if disliked
14 Snakes - Won't interact with snakes if disliked
15 Wind - No effect
16 Rocks - Won't interact with rocks (disadvantage builders)
17 Heights - Won't jump into the pool
18 The Ocean - Won't swim in the Ocean
19 Playing - Children won't play if disliked
20 Exploring - No effect
21 Blue- No effect
22 Green- No effect
23 Red- No effect
24 Yellow - No effect
25 Drums- Won't play with drums
26 Bushes - Won't interact with bushes
27 Bananas - Won't interact with the food bin (disadvantage farmers)
28 Coconuts - Will refuse to get fruits from the coconut tree (disadvantage farmers)
29 Sand - No effects
30 Sunlight - No effects
31 Wood - Will refuse to interact with the woodpile if disliked (disadvantage builders)
32 Crab Meat - Won't interact with crabs if disliked
33 Whale Meat - No effects
34 Fish - Won't go fishing if disliked (disadvantage farmers)
35 Fruit - Won't get fruits from any trees, will run away from the food bin (disadvantage farmers)
36 Papaya - /
37 Flies - No effects
38 Swimming: Won't swim if disliked
39 Running: IF LIKE will run fast and learn skills faster IF DISLIKED will be very slow and learn skills slower
40 Learning: IF LIKE will learn faster IF DISLIKED will learn slower
41 Dancing: won't dance if disliked
42 Monkeys: No effects
43 Parrots: No effects
44 Work: Will often refuse to work if disliked
45 Lifting: Will often have the interaction 'trying to push the boulder'
46 Surprises: No effects
47 Jokes: Will often tell jokes / Won't tell jokes
48 Sleeping: Will often sleep if liked
49 Jumping: Jump higher than the other villagers
50 Cooking: Will refuse to cook/do potions if disliked
51 Fire: Will refuse to start fire if disliked
52 Eating: Will often eat if liked (usually this villager will eat more food than the other and by so, reduce the number of food faster) If he dislikes eating, he will refuse to eat from the food bin, which can be a problem if your villager needs to eat in order to regain health
53 Dragonflies: No effects
54 Owls: No effects
55 Dreaming: No effects
56 Children: Won't interact with children nor try to have babies if disliked
57 Talking: no effects
58 Holidays: no effects
59 Vegetables: no effects
60 Quiet: If liked, will be completely silent
61 Clouds: no effects
62 Dirt: Won't interact with mud pile if disliked
63 Alchemy: Will refuse to make/drink potions if disliked
64 Potions: will refuse to drink potions if disliked
65 Magic: ?
66 Plants: Won't gather plants if disliked
67 Rain: Will run to hide when there is rain
68 Fog: Will run to hide when there is fog
69 Sitting: Will often be seen doing nothing if liked
70 Sharks: Will run away from sharks
71 Honey: Will run away from the hive (from previous game)
72 Stories : Won't tell stories to children if disliked
73 Coral: Won't interact with coral
74 Thunder : Will run to hide when there is storm
75 Lightning: Will run to hide when there is storm
76 Pearls: Won't interact with the oyster pearl if disliked
77 Stars: Will often have the interaction Stargazing
78 Mango: Won't gather fruits from the mango tree (from previous game)
79 Nature: No effects
  • Limited Time Event (Holiday Lights)

Gather 80 sand and 80 fire to craft 80 glass (it'll take 8 hours to craft each glass), and after gathering 80 firefly (you can drop any villager on them to collect the firefly, and they can be found flying around your village), combine the firefly with the glass to craft holiday light (it'll take 45 minutes to craft each one). I don't know how long it'll take, but the limit is 17 days, so spend your lavastones at your own judgement.
  • Making a Master Healer without healing anyone

I have four Master Healers (without having to heal anyone) by spinning the wheel for the necklace. If you have enough lavastones (three each spin) You can get the Master Healer. Sometimes you get it first try and other times you might have to spin three or more times. Since this is the hardest one to get I used the wheel for all four of mine!
  • Master villager

You need a master villager with all the master skills but they'll take too much time to become the master villager at the very old age so here is a tip... take a two years old child and drag him/her to gather things on island whenever you need to like mushrooms and firefly drag him to capture the firefly in this way he will become the master gatherer till his fourteen years and become old enough to do other stuff. Now if you have lavastones tap the same child and spent three lavastones on the wheel they'll become the adept or master of the skills acc to wheel. If you get adaptation of the skill complete this skill first and start next you can use lavastones for better experience of the villager if you have...
  • On picking villagers

The game offers you to choose whatever villager you want at the beginning of the game. However, you might be stuck if you don't choose wisely.
If you chose only males or females you won't be able to have children before a long time, or never, and the game will end when all your 5 villagers are dead.
What I usually chose:
3 Adults - 2 females and 1 male
2 Children - 1 male 1 female
Age :
For adults, pick those who are between 15 and 25 years old so that they live long enough. For children, choose very young children between 2 and 5, so that they can be used to collect mushroom for a long time
Skills are not very important at the beginning, your villagers will learn on the job eventually.
Pay careful attention to the likes/dislike of your villagers, for they can turn out to be problems. Some doesn't affect the game (like turnips, bushes, crowds) while some can be real disadvantages (dislike running).
Assigned task:
Once your game begins, chose one farmer, and use the two others villagers to be both searchers and builders. This is the fastest way to improve your village.
If you have more than one farmer before unlocking other food sources, the coconut tree risk to stop providing fruits for a long time and your village will face starvation.
Keep in mind that a woman does not work when she has a baby. If your only farmer is a female and has a baby, she won't provide food for the village. Same goes for doctors, a female doctor won't heal someone if she has a baby. If you're careful, you shall be fine! (sorry for the poor english !)
  • Pond Water Gathering

You only get pond water if the pond is full. A crate I opened created a storm thus filling the pond allowing me to get one bucket of pond water. As soon as the rain quits, the pond goes dry. For more pond water you must wait for it to rain again.
  • Prevent death from starvation

Unlock fishing. Its the most important, unlimited food source you should get it as soon as possible and your villagers would never ever starve. (Just like previous VV games where you could fish, but just in case your new to the series)
  • Pumpkin seed location

Something nobody is mentioning but many people are struggling with is that the pumpkin seed is found in an earthquake crack.
  • Pumpkin seed puzzle

I went to craft building with a master farmer an he took futerlizer and put it on the ground just off to side of burnt tree. Did not realize until I saw pumpkin growing later. Gather branches from dead tree next to craft hall 3 times. Use Master builder will make the base for scare crow. Then get whale bones and master builder will make a tool at the tool bench. Use it to harvest straw with master farmer 3 times. Then you must tie it shut. Wait until there is no cracks to climb in to. Get rope from craft hall. Took 2 rope to tie up. Then a child must carve pumpkin. Then master builder will set pumpkin on top.
  • Puzzle 10-11 solution

Blue statue
1. Pour water on fire to reveal blue diamond.
2. Jump potion to get Ruby near mausoleum.
3. Build the green statue beside boulder. U'll need a chief to draw plans for this statue
4. Craft blue glass and bring to statue.
Yellow statue
1. Get 3 necklace piece from daily quest or cracks.
2. Pan for gold and bring to anvil.
3. Upgrade construction skills and draw some plans.
4. Craft yellow glass.
Red statue
1. Make soup.
2. Build clothing hut...after tech upgrade crate of braid will appear...then flower will pollinate..bring them to tree.
3. Need 1 child and adult to capture crab..crab will fix slippery rock.
4. Craft red glass.
  • Steam on the island

You can get a steam without crafting. Just go on the bottom left of the island where you can see the lava that is connected to the shore. Drag your villager until she/he is interested then wait for him/her to gather that.
  • Steps on How to Make Pie

Upgrade Farming twice to get garden
Get kids to dig holes in garden
Plant seeds from seed bag & apple tree seed by crafting hut
Use fertilizer(mixed herbs+water) on garden 3 times
Gather resources from garden & apple tree
Make dough(flour+water)
Upgrade crafting if unable to make dough
Put villager on crafting hut & rhubarb, dough and apple should be options.
Click on them
Prepare oven by putting a villager on rock pile by fire pit and they'll heat up a rock for oven
Put villager on round table that should have the ingredients on it
  • Tech Points

In the store under the potions tab, purchase with 200 lavastones the one that increases the tech points. I have 3 of them and have my science upgraded to the max level and I am gaining tech points very, very quickly.
Also, you gain a ton of tech points from crafting the items the boat is asking for. This last time I traded at the boat I gained over 1 million tech points.
There are 3 options for trading and the 3rd option gives you the most but I do all 3. The boat stays for like 6 hours I think. Plenty time to gather but the time for crafting can be a pain. GOOD LUCK!
  • Tips for surviving

There are situations where your village is doom to a certain death. Here are some of those scenarios, how to avoid them and eventually solve the problem.
Only males/Only females/ Only one remaining villager
If you have only picked males or females at the beginning of the game, or if all of your female/male villagers have died, your game is basically over because you won't be able to have children and continue. Your remaining villagers will die of aging eventually and your game will end there. Before resetting your game, here's what you can try:
At the marketplace, you can purchase 1 male 1 female and a child to save your village, if you have 200 lavastones.
Wait for a special event to occur. Sometimes a special event will bring new members to your tribe, but there's a chance they have the same gender than the rest of your village.
Only children
If all of your adults died, you're in a tough situation because none of the remaining children will be able to work until they are 14. You can try providing food by foraging a lot of mushrooms, it will be your only way to gain food.
No more food
The coconut tree is NOT a limitless source of food and will run out of fruit eventually. Once your coconut tree stopped providing fruits, you will have to wait a long time for new fruits to grow. What you can do:
Don't have too many farmers. One is enough to begin the game.
Purchase Farming tech as soon as you can, once you've unlocked fishing, you'll have an unlimited source of food and it won't be a problem anymore
Don't forget to forage mushroom to have extra foods
Don't make too many children till you've unlocked the unlimited source of food
Some special events can occur where you will either gain food, or the coconut tree will provide fruits once more. But the opposite can occurs as well: your food bin might end up empty, or the coconut tree can stop growing fruits.
Everybody is sick:
It's not the end, even if you don't have any doctor. Chose one villager and drop it on another villager until he's healed, and repeat the process until everybody is healed.
Lit the fire, it will avoid sickness in the future.

Hidden Hotel Game Cheats For Iphone 8 Plus

If your villagers have low health, drop them on the food bin: eating will restore their health.
Some potions can also restore health
Hidden Hotel Game Cheats For IphoneImproving Medicine tech can help avoid that problem in the future.
Train someone to be a doctor, so that they will automatically heal the sick villagers
Diseases can be spread. Make sure everyone is healed before quitting the game.
Time travel:
Time travel is tempting, but if badly used, all the tribe can die instantly either of starvation, aging, or sickness. Before you timetravel, make sure you:
Have an unlimited source of food, and farmers
That the fire is lit, and that you have a doctor so that your villagers don't die of sickness.
If you plan to make a really long time travel, have several villagers with auto breeding on, so that they don't die of aging
Deaths causes:

Hidden Hotel Game Cheats For Iphone 11 Pro Max

Knowing the causes of death can help you avoiding them
If there's no more food, your villagers will die of starvation
Aging: the health of your villager will slowly decrease with age till the death of the villager. This cannot be avoided but slowed down by improving Medicine techHotel
Sickness: if a villager is not healed, his health bar will decrease. The villager will die when his health bar as reached 0
Accidents: In previous games, if a potion making went wrong, an explosion could occur and seriously damage the health bar of a villager. If the health bar is already low during the explosion, the villager will instantly die.
Wrong potions: some potions will make a villager sick, or decrease his health bar.
Special events: special events can cause a villager's death. This cannot be avoided.
  • Use Frogs to Train Healer

Hidden Hotel Game Cheats For Iphone 11

Don't kill all the frogs! Keep 2-3 around so villagers will get sick. Your healer-in-training can then heal them and advance faster. Villagers don't get sick very quickly so you won't be having an epidemic or anything, but it helps. You can have an adult catch a frog. They will get sick about 1/2 the times you try this, but then frog is gone and you have to wait for a new one. Otherwise, just let a few frogs roam the island and a few villagers eventually get sick.
  • Weakened villagers

I figured out if you change a weak villager from their chosen career path to the Healing career and leave them that way for a few hours they will renew their strength because they won't have to work. They will swim, sun bathe, stroll etc and not work. My first villager that died was because he worked himself to death. His health meter constantly went down even though I kept feeding him. The next time one did this I checked Healing and she went from 1/4 in left on the meter to full meter in 1 full day and every time it went down I would repeat this and she lived to be 91. Feeding takes way too much time!


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Hidden Hotel: Miami Mystery hack, is free way to unlock or get all In-App purchases for free. This hacks for Hidden Hotel: Miami Mystery works for all Android and also for iOS smartphones. To use this hack you need to chose any cheat code from below and type it in Hidden Hotel: Miami Mystery game console. this cheats and hacks you don’t need to Root or Jailbreak your phone, and also you don’t need to download anything like computer software or apk ipa files! If you are bored with downloading a lot of stuff and they don’t work, you are on right place!

In case you don’t know how to input our cheats, check the link in red box below and you will find simple tutorial on how to use cheats for Hidden Hotel: Miami Mystery.

Hidden Hotel: Miami Mystery (all cheats are updated)

All Cheats

1. Tiny Pack Of Coins $2.99 >>> sI1u5jW4THu3pw0_g5
2. Professional Pack $5.99 >>> 8Uoh9dxoXRGVFpl_xq(Updated cheat code)
3. Starter Pack $2.99 >>> VUqThDjkQEYdDhd_fF(Updated cheat code)
4. Small Pack Of Coins $4.99 >>> TYOqzGEbNDrX3I3_6c
5. Starter Pack $0.99 >>> 85wnYPmXp4KnmSv_rV
6. Starter Pack $1.99 >>> WvYl3lZ8q0pSLtY_8Q
7. Housekeeper Case $12.99 >>> Xw7a3gngNdslbk1_nD
8. Advanced Pack $11.99 >>> UkJ351TJjCcXh34_EL(Updated cheat code)
9. Medium Pack Of Coins $9.99 >>> 32oFqJTO37xXBAB_Pb(Updated cheat code)
10. Concierge Bag $6.99 >>> P0G7fXJkAW1xzVx_od

Cheats working on devices


1. Tiny Pack Of Coins $2.99 >>> sI1u5jW4THu3pw0_g5
2. Professional Pack $5.99 >>> 8Uoh9dxoXRGVFpl_xq
3. Starter Pack $0.99 >>> 85wnYPmXp4KnmSv_rV
4. Starter Pack $1.99 >>> WvYl3lZ8q0pSLtY_8Q(Updated cheat code)
5. Housekeeper Case $12.99 >>> Xw7a3gngNdslbk1_nD
6. Advanced Pack $11.99 >>> UkJ351TJjCcXh34_EL
7. Medium Pack Of Coins $9.99 >>> 32oFqJTO37xXBAB_Pb
8. Concierge Bag $6.99 >>> P0G7fXJkAW1xzVx_od(Updated cheat code)


1. Tiny Pack Of Coins $2.99 >>> sI1u5jW4THu3pw0_g5
2. Professional Pack $5.99 >>> 8Uoh9dxoXRGVFpl_xq(Updated cheat code)
3. Starter Pack $2.99 >>> VUqThDjkQEYdDhd_fF(Updated cheat code)
4. Housekeeper Case $12.99 >>> Xw7a3gngNdslbk1_nD(Updated cheat code)
5. Medium Pack Of Coins $9.99 >>> 32oFqJTO37xXBAB_Pb
6. Concierge Bag $6.99 >>> P0G7fXJkAW1xzVx_od(Updated cheat code)


1. Tiny Pack Of Coins $2.99 >>> sI1u5jW4THu3pw0_g5(Updated cheat code)
2. Starter Pack $2.99 >>> VUqThDjkQEYdDhd_fF
3. Small Pack Of Coins $4.99 >>> TYOqzGEbNDrX3I3_6c(Updated cheat code)
4. Starter Pack $0.99 >>> 85wnYPmXp4KnmSv_rV
5. Housekeeper Case $12.99 >>> Xw7a3gngNdslbk1_nD(Updated cheat code)
6. Advanced Pack $11.99 >>> UkJ351TJjCcXh34_EL
7. Medium Pack Of Coins $9.99 >>> 32oFqJTO37xXBAB_Pb(Updated cheat code)
8. Concierge Bag $6.99 >>> P0G7fXJkAW1xzVx_od(Updated cheat code)

We are recommending you to try with Concierge Bag Cheat Code, for Hidden Hotel: Miami Mystery game. A lot of users are using cheat code to get that In-app purchases. Hope you will enjoy.

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  • Hidden Hotel: Miami Mystery Cheats
  • Hidden Hotel: Miami Mystery Hack
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