Gamer Dude That Cheated.on His Wife

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I cheated on my husband because he’s a video game addict. The Right Guy iStockphoto. He’d go into the bathroom and lock the door and play games on his phone for hours on end. 31.0k votes, 1.4k comments. 2.3m members in the trashy community. Trashy stories, trashy glamour, all things fake, plastic, and downright trashy. In his Instagram post, Lentz admitted he had cheated on his wife, Laura. The Lentzes have two daughters and a son. ' Over the years I did not do an adequate job of protecting my own spirit. 31.0k votes, 1.4k comments. 2.3m members in the trashy community. Trashy stories, trashy glamour, all things fake, plastic, and downright trashy.

It was meant to be a girls’ weekend away – but it ended in an affair. Picture: iStockSource:istock

Welcome to Relationship Rehab,’s weekly column solving all your romantic problems, no holds barred. This week, our resident sexologist Isiah McKimmie tackles a woman who cheated with a sex stranger on a girls’ trip, a man keen to break out of the “friend zone” and a woman dreading Christmas with the family.


QUESTION: Please help me I don’t know what to do. I’ve been married for 15 years and have four beautiful children, my husband is an amazing person and father – he is the best husband a wife could ask for.

I have a group of girlfriends that I have known for a very long time and, we go away at least twice a year together for a few days at a time. The last time we went away I met a guy while at a pub and we hit it off straight away. I ended up sleeping with him a couple of times while I was away.

My girlfriends know all about it and are all very disappointed with me for what I did because they all know how amazing my husband is. My husband is good friends with one of my girlfriend’s husbands and I’m really scared that he will tell my husband if he finds out what I did.

I know my husband will be devastated and I’m scared he will leave me. I don’t know if I should come clean and tell him or take a chance that my friend will never tell her husband. I have not been able to eat or sleep properly for a couple of weeks now and my husband keeps asking me what’s wrong.

Please I beg you, help me!

ANSWER: I can’t tell you what to do in this situation. This is something that only you can decide. It will largely depend on your values and the kind of relationship you want.

It’s understandable that you’re scared your husband will leave you. There certainly is a chance that if he finds out, he will.

What I can tell you is this:

Infidelity doesn’t necessarily mean the end of a relationship.

Although we often hear ‘cheating’ described as unforgivable, it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of a relationship. The truth is many relationships recover from infidelity and emerge stronger than before.

Relationships where infidelity is confessed (as opposed to being found out) have a higher chance of succeeding.

On a recent weekend away, the worst betrayal happened. Picture: iStockSource:Supplied

A recent study of couples in therapy found that marriages in which someone keeps infidelity a secret are twice as likely to divorce as when infidelity is disclosed.

Your husband knows something is “off”

Often partners of people who have had or are having an affair say that they knew something was ‘off’ or their partner was being distant, they just weren’t sure what it was about.

Gamer Dude That Cheated.on His Wife

The longer it takes to find out, the more difficult it can be to recover from. Finding out that you lied when asked about it can feel like a double betrayal.

Infidelity takes time and patience to work through

All of this being said, if your husband finds out or you choose to tell him, it’s likely to be a long road to recovery. It will require that you take responsibility, are genuinely remorseful about what happened and you both choose to work through it.

Sexologist and couples therapist Isiah McKimmie. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

It’s likely your husband will want to understand what exactly you did and your reasons why. You’ll need to be prepared for a lot of discussion around this, that may continue over a number of months.

Do you know what led you to pursue another man? Understanding the factors that led to this may help your partner be more understanding and will help avoid anything like this happening again.

If your husband is willing to work through this with you, I strongly recommend you seek therapy together. Rebuilding your relationship and regaining trust takes time but it is possible.

Many people choose not to disclose their infidelity and sometimes there are valid reasons not to.

I also want to acknowledge that some people would prefer not to know if their partner has been unfaithful. This is a challenging decision either way. Unfortunately, it’s only yours to make.


Once you’ve been friend zoned, can you come back? Picture: iStockSource:istock

QUESTION: Is it possible to truly change your relationship with someone once they’ve “friend zoned” you? I was really into this woman I met online, but after a few dates, she said she’d rather be friends. That was a few months ago now and we’re texting non-stop. Should I try again with the romantic stuff?

ANSWER: It is possible. I know a number of relationships where people started as friends but to their surprise found that something else developed. Personally, I love clarity – and not “romantic stuff”.

You can always try an approach like: “Hey, I really value the friendship we have. I also want to let you know that I’m attracted to you. If you’re ever interested in us becoming more than friends, I want you to know I’m open to that. In the meantime, let’s enjoy the great banter we have.”

That way you’re being clear, but you’re also honouring her boundaries. It shows that you’re both confident and respectful.

If she’s not open to things going further, she can clearly let you know, without either of you feeling uncomfortable or wondering what the other person is thinking.


How can I make it through Christmas with my mother? Picture: iStockSource:News Regional Media

Gamer Dude That Cheated.on His Wife Now

QUESTION: My mother is intolerable and I leave every encounter feeling frustrated and taken advantage of. Now Christmas is upon us and my father is terminally ill, so we’ve agreed to get together as a family. How do I cope with her passive and not-so-passive aggression?

ANSWER: If you feel taken advantage of, it sounds like you’ll need to set firmer boundaries with her. If she’s doing something that doesn’t feel right for you, call her out on it.

It’s okay for you to say:

• “It’s not okay for you to speak to me like that.”

• “No, I’m not willing to do that.”

Gamer Dude That Cheated.on His Wife Will

Gamer dude that cheated.on his wife now

As challenging as it might be, try not to “bite” when she says something inflammatory. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you’re choosing to be there for your father.

Make sure you prioritise your self-care as much as you can. Take time out from the family if you can and keep up the things that support and nourish you.

Isiah McKimmie is a couples therapist, sex therapist and sexologist. For more expert advice follow her on Instagram.

Gamer Dude That Cheated.on His Wife Video

If you have a question for Isiah, email