21 Questions Game Show Cheating

21 questions game is pretty straight forward. You need 2 or more people to play this game. Basically one player asks 21 questions and the other one answers them. Additionally, you can make your own rules. For example, you can split the questions in half and take turns. It’s a great way to get to know someone. Here we’ve got huge list of questions you can ask a guy/girl in order to get to know the other person.

  1. 21 Questions Game Show Cheating Husband
  2. 21 Questions Game Show Cheating Couples
  1. The producers obviously knew something was strange, but since he wasn't technically cheating, they gave him what he won. In 1984, he had what would be about a quarter million in today's dollars. That's so much more than you need to buy happiness if you're the kind of person content with game show rerun marathons. Michael went a different way.
  2. Twenty-One is an American game show originally hosted by Jack Barry that aired on NBC from 1956 to 1958. Produced by Jack Barry-Dan Enright Productions, two contestants competed against each other in separate isolation booths, answering general-knowledge questions to earn 21 total points.The program became notorious when it was found to be rigged as part of the 1950s quiz show scandals, which.

Activity: 21 Questions Simple but great game where you take turns asking each other an interesting personal question. The game can be started in one conversation, and continued in the next and the next until you get to 21 questions asked in total. To cheat a little bit, you can prepare questions in advance using some of the examples below! Caring Questions. The purpose of these questions is to understand what he perceives to be kind. You are obviously not heartless, but much too often men perceive women to be much less caring than they are. When you discover what he perceives to be caring behavior, you can internalize this and begin to build a caring dynamic within your relationship. The Only 21 Questions You Need to Ask a Guy. These were the best 21 questions on our list. Have you got better questions for the than 21 questions game than the ones mentioned above? If so, please share it with us.

21 Questions Game To Ask a Guy or Girl

That just shows how lost he was and how much counseling is needed, he says. And if he refuses a test, then your answer to Question 1 is a big, fat “no.” 10.

Here are plenty of question to choose from. Pick any 21 questions that you want to ask your crush or boyfriend/girlfriend.

1. Would you rather leave your hometown and never be able to return again, or stay in your hometown but never be able to leave? This will tell you if he or she has a sense of adventure or never wants to leave home.

2. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? A way to find out if he or she likes animals and what their preferences are.

3. What is your favorite item of clothing? Is he or she too serious or too casual?

4. What do you think about marriage? This one will tell you if he or she is looking for the same thing you are.

5. How would you describe yourself? This tells you how the other person sees themselves.

6. Sneaking into a second movie: super-wrong or harmless fun? This just might give you some insight into their idea of law abiding.

7. What did you want to be when you were young? Childhood dreams may reflect several things about him or her, personality, family values, or ideologies.

8. Are you superstitious? A good way to find out if they believe in only what they can confirm with their senses (touch, vision, hear, taste, and smell).

9. Where would you go for your dream holiday? This may give you a sense of things they like to do, hiking, historical tours, beaches, fishing, scuba diving etc.

10. What’s something everyone else loves that you secretly find overrated? How come? Just as an example, cheeseburgers because they are vegan or social media because it’s a waste of time.

11. What is your favorite movie? This will let you know if you like the same kind of movies, action, drama, comedy.

12. What is your favorite type of music? Again this will tell you if you like the same kind of music, smooth jazz, classic rock, country.

13. If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you choose? This will tell you what they are interested in, fame, inventing things, teaching others, helping others such as doctors or EMTs, firemen, policemen.

14. What is your morning ritual like? This will tell you if they plan or go with the flow, do they brew their own coffee or buy a cup on the way?

15. Have you ever been arrested? How many times? This is going to tell you if they made a mistake once or they continually break the law. Our advice if it’s the latter, break it off and don’t look back.

16. What do you think of public displays of affection? Is this something that they find embarrassing or just bad etiquette?

17. If you won the lottery, what would you do with your money? This could tell you if they are greedy, to giving, or a moderate who will save some, use some, and give some.

18. Are you addicted to anything? This may not be drugs or alcohol or gambling either, there are many forms of addiction.

19. What’s your favorite time of the year? Why? Summer, winter, etc. this can tell you what kind of weather and weather related activities they like.

20. What is your favorite holiday? Maybe it’s Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, be sure to ask why. The answer might surprise you.

21. What’s your favorite and least favorite color? This will help you know what they like and you won’t have to wonder when purchasing a gift for them.

22. Would you mind if your partner made more money than you? This could be an insight into whether they are old fashioned or modern when it comes to working and who brings in the most money

23. How many jobs have you had? Why? Pay attention to this, it will tell you if they work to better themselves or if they might have commitment issues. If they were bored, commitment could be an issue, if it was better hours or better money or both, they are working to improve themselves.

24. If you’re having a bad day, how can I cheer you up? Will just being there help or will you need something more.

25. Do you like children? This is another of those that will tell you if you want the same things or not.

26. If you were stranded on an island and allowed one luxury item, what would it be? A glimpse at what they really think is important when it comes to luxuries or material items.

27. What is the wackiest gift you have ever received or given someone? This will give you an insight into their sense of humor.

28. What are you most afraid of? The willingness of an answer on this shows you they have some amount of trust in you.

29. Are there any causes you strongly believe in? Some insight into things that matter to them as well as possible ideology.

30. Do you have any guilty pleasures? Things we don’t readily admit too often tell us the most about a person.

31. Who’s your hero? This is an interesting one as some will choose a family member while others choose a character from a movie or book. Ask why they chose that person or persona for a real glimpse into the way they think.

32. What would you do if you had one day left to live? This allows you to see what or who is truly important to them in their life.

33. Do you collect anything? Many people collect things, the question is how much? How obsessed? Are they a hoarder of this item?

34. What was the last book you read? Do they have a passion for reading, or was it in high school?

35. How much time do you spend on social networking in a week? This is a good one; do they live in the real world or spend it on social media on the computer?

36. How did your last relationship end? Remember every break up has two sides.

37. Do you believe in soul mates? Some people do some people don’t until they actually meet theirs.

38. How important is your family to you? This will tell you what kind of relationship he or she has with their family.

39. Have you been tested for STDs/HIV? Would you be willing to go in for testing again before we get more involved? This is an important one, if they are not willing to get tested, you may want to rethink getting more involved. Even if they say they never had sex, there are other ways of contracting some of these diseases. Blood transfusions, shared needles.

40. Do you believe in God? You will get an idea of if they are religious or not.

41. What was the happiest moment of your life? Don’t let them get away with just saying meeting you. If they say that ask for the happiest moment of life before that.

42. How old were you when you started dating? This will let you see if they have been dating for a long period of time and if they have really decided on what they want out of a relationship or not.

43. How do you cope with stress? This is also a good one, we all deal with stress differently, some exercise, some meditate, some hold it inside until they erupt.

44. What is your favorite way of spending time with me? This could be slightly revealing, do they want you all to themselves in a possessive way or would they be happy sharing you with family and friends. If they seem possessive, don’t hang around.

45. Do you have any bad habits I should know about? Drugs, alcohol, gambling, and well you get the idea.

46. What do you consider the five biggest strengths of your personality? This will tell you how they see themselves.

47. Have your ever driven drunk or even slightly buzzed? You shouldn’t drink and drive so the next question is will you do it again? If they admit they would drive buzzed, you don’t want to ride with them.

48. Do you fall for a person fast? If you have been on a date or two and they start talking marriage, that is fast and you may wish to slow that down.

49. What did you do during the summers when you were growing up? Camping with family, summer camp, swimming at the Y tells you a little a bit about the way they grew up.

50. Are you competitive? This will tell you if they see everything as a competition they need to win

51. Clubbing or candlelight dinner? This tells you if they prefer lots of people or alone time with you.

52. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done? This can tell you a little about their morals.

53. How would you like to be remembered? This can tell you how they really wish to live a life full of honesty and good or do wish to achieve a fortune or fame at any cost.

54. Do you like tattoos and body piercing? This allows you to glimpse into their personal preferences, there is no right or wrong answer here unless you have tattoos or body piercings that they cannot accept about you.

55. What are your life goals? A glimpse of how they see themselves in life and what they wish to achieve.

56. If you found a briefcase of money on the street, would you keep it? This lets you see if they are honest or dishonest.

57. When was the last time you felt really proud of yourself? You should be able to tell if they are extremely prideful or maybe they lack belief in their own worth.

58. What’s the length of your longest romantic relationship? This one can tell you a couple of things, first do they fall in and out of love easily and second are they afraid of commitment.

59. Are you impulsive or do you think first? While being impulsive can be fun, it can also lead to disastrous financial problems if they are too impulsive when making purchases.

60. Have you ever hit the person you have been involved with? This will tell you how they handle anger, stress, and what they use as a way to resolve it.

61. What’s your philosophy in life? This can tell you what they take seriously and don’t take seriously. Are they planners or just go with the flow.

62. Which personality traits do you want your partner to have? Which of these are an absolute must? This can tell you what they are looking for in a mate.

63. Would you rather live in a large urban city, a small town or in the countryside? Why? This will tell you if they are a city person or not, or if they wish to leave the country and try the city.

64. Can you dance? Do you like dancing? This is going to tell you if you should plan a night of dancing or not. It could also lead to the possible taking of dance classes together so give it some thought.

65. If you could have a new talent or gift, what would it be? You might want to ask why when you get the answer it could be telling as to what the talent or gift would be used for.

66. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? You can see how they will be at a party, shy and a wall flower or out there talking to everyone possibly being the life of the party.

67. Do you believe in monogamy? This is a good one, are you going to be their sole relationship or will there be someone else while they are seeing you.

68. Do you have siblings? If so please tell me about them. This will give you an idea of what kind of relationship they have with siblings if they have any.

69. What would you change about yourself if you could? This is going to let you in on what they dislike about themselves. At that point, you might want to ask why, as they may not see the way others do.

70. How do you feel about divorce? Is it the first choice or last resort? This will tell you if they are willing to try marriage counseling and couples therapy to save their marriage first or go straight for divorce.

71. How often do you spend time with your parents? This is going to allow you to know how important their family is to them.

72. Which was the worst phase in your life? This could be telling as to their teens or even early twenties and where they were emotionally and mentally.

73. What is the nicest or worst thing you did for a very good friend? This can show you how they treat their friends and people that they care about.

74. What do you value most in a friendship? This is going to tell you what they value in a partner as well, after all most good lasting relationships start with friendship first.

75. Do you judge a book by its cover? This is going to allow you to understand how they see people, do they get to know them first before passing judgement or are they quick to judge.

76. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why? This question is interesting; do they live life or just go through the motions? Most of us do not think that tomorrow or the next day may be the last day for us and did we accomplish what we should have, did we treat people with love and kindness. Think of the song “Live like you were dying” if you don’t know the song, look up the lyrics, it’s actually quite meaningful.

77. What would you do if you were stranded on an island and there was nothing to eat? This can tell you just how resourceful they are and if they give up easily.

78. Do you believe in karma? Call it Karma or the golden rule, the question is do they believe that you reap what you sew? It’s an interesting question.

79. When was the last time you cried and why? This will tell you if they are overly emotional or maybe they hold back their feelings some.

80. What roles do love and affection play in your life? This is a good question as it can give you a glimpse into their idea of what is important in their life at this point in time. Are they actively looking for love or is it a situation where life is good where I am right now but if love were to come along, I’m ready for it type thing.

81. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? This will allow you to know how they look at life as a whole if it is answered truthfully.

82. Do you think life is fair? An interesting question but could show you an insight into their ideology and outlook on life.

83. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about? This is actually a good question as it might give insight into something they find offensive for a personal reason, maybe they had a family who committed suicide or battled weight issues. Things involving family and very close friends, effect people differently and leave certain issues with them emotionally, mentally, and on their soul.

84. If we were to have kids what faith would you wish them to be raised in yours or mine (if you come from different faiths)? This is a question you need to talk about before marriage and an important one. This also allows you to know how serious the other is about their faith.

85. Do you have a lot of drama or negativity in your life? If you don’t want to have drama in your life or relationship then you need to discuss ways to avoid it and not create it if it is a factor.

86. Where do I fit in with your priorities? This may seem like we have already covered it and in a roundabout way maybe we have, but this point blank sets the stages to see just where their priorities lay and this is important. Are you a priority or is it their job first, their friends, fun, and then you. You need to figure out where exactly their priorities lie and are they in tune with your own, especially if you want to have a real relationship with this person.

87. What defines beauty for you? This will be insightful, do they see beauty as an outward or inward beauty or a combination of both and in which way.

88. How would you handle one or the other of us being offered a dream job but having to move in order to take it? This is a good question and again goes along with priorities. Are you a priority in their life? Are they a priority in your life and you might want to add on to that question to include children and having to move.

89. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet? This could give insight on if they have difficulty conveying their feelings to people that they love.

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Remember these questions can help you get to know each other if you answer truthfully and honestly. However, you can never truly know someone, unless you spend time together doing everyday things, having coffee together and sharing the Sunday paper, shopping, eating in or out in a balanced amount. You can learn a lot by watching how they are when they get up in the morning, pleasant or grumpy, how they handle everyday things such as cleaning or doing dishes, or even how they react to stress.

These questions to ask your girlfriend are perfect for getting to know a new girlfriend or deciding whether a girlfriend you’ve had for a while is really right for you.

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Keep in mind, lot of these questions are really serious, so pick the right time. Serious questions for when you are in a serious discussion. Fun questions for over dinner.

If you are just looking for some fun questions to ask her, you might want to try our questions to ask a girl.

I’m going to try to provide a bit of commentary on each question or set of questions to help you out with what to look for in an answer, but feel free to skip the commentary if you want.

Also at the bottom of the page is a bonus list of 77 questions without commentary and some tips and red flags to watch out for when you are dating someone. There is also a PDF and image of all the questions without commentary at the end of the article.

With all that being said, here goes, the best list of questions to ask your girlfriend!

Just remember it’s about balancing what’s most important to you. If both of you totally disagree on a question, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should end the relationship. It just means you might want to keep an eye on that issue and decide how important it is to you going forward in the relationship.

Also, remember to listen to her answers without judgement. If her answers differ from yours, it doesn’t mean she’s wrong or flawed, it just means she’s different than you.

Questions about the future

Looking for a long term relationship? These questions will help you get an rough idea of what direction your lives might be like if you continue dating.

1. Take minute, close your eyes and imagine what your perfect life would look like. Describe it in as much detail as possible.

This question and the one following it are great for finding out what she wants out of life and the life she would live if everything went perfectly. You can compare your girlfriend’s answer with your own goals for life and see if they match. So, if your perfect life is travelling around the world with nothing but a backpack and no cares, but her perfect life is building a business from the ground up; well, you two have some talking to do.

2. What would an average day in your perfect life look like? Do you have just one ideal life or can you think of more than one?

Also, even though they tell you a lot, they are still great lighthearted questions that you can bring up whenever.

3. What do you think the role of a woman in a relationship should be? How about the role of a man?

This one is very important to ask so that you can go into the relationship on the same page as far as roles go. If you both have wildly different ideas about both of your roles, you’ll need to get that settled before you get too far into the relationship.

4. Should roles change when a couple gets married or moves in together?

These two questions to ask your girlfriend are great for seeing how both of your roles in the relationship might change in the future, or at least how she is expecting them to change.

You’ll want to check your expectations against hers and see how they match up. If you are looking for a more traditional relationship situation and she is more progressive, I guarantee you’ll both be on the road for some serious fights.

Questions about the past

The past has a lot of useful information for the present and the future. These questions will help you learn more about your girlfriend’s past relationships so you can learn more about your current relationship. Remember to pick the right time and the right place for serious talks about the past.

5. What was your most serious relationship? How long did it last? Why did it end? What did you like / dislike about him?

Okay, okay, don’t get jealous when she is talking about ex-boyfriends, you’ve got ex’s too. You don’t have to compare her ex’s to yourself. This is great info on what she likes in a relationship and what she doesn’t. Plus, it will tell you more about how she views serious relationships.

6. Have you ever cheated on someone before? What happened?

This one is a land mine so be careful. That being said, it’s a great bit of information to know. I may be wrong on this one, but I think there is a reason people say once a cheater always a cheater. Has she cheated on more than one boyfriend? Well there is a good chance she’ll cheat on you. Same goes for you. I don’t think the rule applies only for women.

7. How much time did you usually spend with ex-boyfriends? Did you think it was too much time, or not enough time? What did you usually do with your ex-boyfriends?

Okay, one more time. Seriously. No getting jealous over ex-boyfriends. Don’t be that guy.

This questions basically lets you know how much distance you should be giving her. Some guys like their girlfriend to be around all the time, and some don’t. Same with girls. Some girls like spending as much time with their boyfriend as they can and some prefer having some distance. It’s just a personal preference.

Just like most of the questions, if your answers match up that’s great. If not, well it’s something to keep in mind. Don’t smother her and don’t give her the cold shoulder.

Questions about her

These questions are all about what she likes. You can keep these in mind to make her happy, or you can see how they compare with your likes and interests.

8: What are the three most annoying things a boyfriend can do? How about the three best things?

Things that annoy her = don’t do those things. Things she likes = try to do those things.

9. What was the most adventurous / crazy thing you have done in the past month? What is the most adventurous / crazy thing you have ever done?

This one will tell you how risk seeking or risk averse she is. If she is a lot more risk seeking than you, you might have to expand your comfort zone. If you are more risk seeking than her, be prepared for the fact she might not want to go with you on adventures. And she might not want you to do risky things either.

10. Do you prefer being outdoors or indoors?

Is she the indoor type and you’re not? Don’t expect her to enjoy being dragged out on camping trips. She the outdoor type and you’re not? Better get some hiking boots. If you are both really different, maybe try compromising and doing cabin trips.

11. What three objects that you own do you value most?

This one you’ll have to read a bit into. Is it something sentimental? She probably has a strong sentimental streak. Something practical? She probably isn’t very sentimental. Is it something expensive or something she can show off? Get ready to say goodbye to your money.

This one is also great because it’ll help you get some gift ideas for later. Or at least gift categories. Sentimental, get her something that reminds her of your relationship. Practical, give her something that will help with her hobbies. And so on…

12. What would you do if a close friend started saying mean things about you?

This question lets you know how she deals with conflict. Is she a peacemaker? Does she escalate things? Does she just avoid it?

Chances are she’ll deal with conflicts the same way with you. Maybe she’ll try to make peace, maybe she’ll get furious, maybe she’ll just stop talking to you.

13. What are your three favorite movies and three favorite TV shows? How about your three least favorite movies / TV shows?

This is a surprisingly practical question that will let you know how much you two will enjoy going to see movies together and watching shows together.

Does she watch shows / movies with you that are way out of line with her favorites? She might just be humoring you and watching them because you like them. If that’s the case, she’s probably going to get tired of humoring you and start wanting to watch what she actually likes.

14. What is your idea of a perfect Saturday night?

This one will let you know what she likes to do. Sure she’ll probably do what you want to do for a few Saturday nights, but eventually, as the relationship continues; she is going to want to do what she wants to do. So if you like partying and she doesn’t, or if you like chilling and playing video games and she likes going out. Well, that’s going to be a problem.

Questions about sex

If you are in a place in your relationship where you are comfortable talking about sex, then these are some great questions to learn more about who she is sexually. If your relationship hasn’t progressed that far, don’t worry about it, just skip these.

15. How many sexual partners have you had? Have you ever had unprotected sex?

Yep, these are some pretty basic questions to ask your girlfriend, but they are pretty crucial to know. She’ll want to know the same. Tit for tat.

And remember don’t get all pouty about her answers if she has had a lot of sexual partners or if she has had more than you. It’s not a competition. And besides you probably want a girlfriend that enjoys sex as much as you do.

On the flip side if she hasn’t had a lot of sexual partners it might mean she isn’t so into sex or it might mean she isn’t as experienced in the bedroom, or it might mean she doesn’t like to have sex until the relationship is a bit more serious.

Basically you want her sex drive to match yours, whether you are really into having frequent sex or if sex isn’t very important to you.

16. What two things would you like more of while having sex? Is there anything you’d like to try in the bedroom that you’ve been afraid to ask for?

A good sex life is important for a healthy relationship. You should both be trying to make each other happy in the bedroom. But don’t feel pressured to try something you aren’t comfortable with. And don’t pressure her into trying something she isn’t comfortable with. If either of you isn’t enjoying the sex you’re having, it will end badly for both of you.

17. How often do you like having sex?

This question will help you see how well both of your expectations about the frequency of sex match up. Usually if one person in a relationship has a vastly different number it’s a bad omen for the relationship. But you can try talking through it and trying to find some middle ground. Just don’t try and force the issue. You’ll just have to decide how important sex is for the relationship.

18. What time of day is the best for sex?

This one will give you a good idea of what time of the day she will most likely be in the mood. Good intel for sure.

Questions about money

Ah money, the number one starter of fights in a relationship. These might not be the most exciting questions to ask your girlfriend, but they are seriously important.

19. How good are you with budgeting money?

At least one of you should be good with money. If you are both bad with money, one of you will need to work on your money management skills. And you should probably decide who if you are in a serious relationship or live together.

20. What do you think is worth spending extra on to get the best?

This question will let you know what type of stuff she’ll be spending money on in the future. It can also let you know what she values.

21. What do you think is a waste of money?

This one will tell you what she’ll get angry about if you spend money on it.

22. What is the best thing about money: it provides security, it allows you to create good memories, or it allows you to buy nice things?

This question will let you know if she is a saver, values experiences, or values objects. Do with that knowledge what you will.

23. In a relationship, when should a man pay for something, when should a woman pay something, and when should they split the cost?

This one is mostly for new relationships, but really good to know what kind of expectations are on the table.

So there we go, those are my questions to ask your girlfriend. Hopefully they’ll help you out and give you some good info about your relationship. Just remember, like I said before. None of these questions is a relationship sinker, just keep in mind what is most important for you in a relationship.

More questions to ask your girlfriend

Here’s a list of some more questions you can ask your girlfriend. No commentary here, just a list of questions you can browse through and pick the ones you like.

24. What do you know that you aren’t supposed to know?

25. What’s a good relationship tip that sounds like a bad tip?

26. What do you need to vent about?

27. What causes you to look down on someone?

28. What would a sitcom about your life be called?

29. What are some unwritten rules in your family?

30. What’s the worst downward spiral you’ve ever witnessed?

31. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned recently?

32. What would your ideal life look like?

33. What’s your idea of succeeding?

34. What’s the saddest movie you’ve ever seen?

35. What would you like your last meal to be?

36. Where is the best place to go to meet awesome people?

37. What’s the best thing you own?

38. What popular shows or movies have you not seen?

39. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve heard about someone doing for someone else?

40. What’s the most disgusting or terrifying story you’ve ever heard?

41. What is the most terrifying thing you can imagine?

42. What would be the worst flavor of ice cream?

43. What scene from a movie had a dramatic impact on you as a child but probably wouldn’t faze you now?

44. Would you get into a relationship with yourself? Assuming that “other you” is a gender you are attracted to.

45. What really should be common knowledge but for some reason isn’t?

21 Questions Game Show Cheating

46. What 30 seconds would you erase from your life if you could?

47. What salad dressing probably doesn’t exist but would be amazing if it did?

48. What mistakes in your life have you learned the biggest lessons from?

49. What strange food combinations do you enjoy and which do you hate?

21 Questions Game Show Cheating Husband

50. What are some things you could never wrap your head around?

51. What piece of clothing do you always get a lot of comments on every time you wear it?

52. What are some of the most annoying things that happen on social media?

53. What are some things you are below average at and some things you are above average at?

54. Where was your favorite place to play outside of your house when you were a child?

55. What’s your favorite foreign film?

56. What’s the worst non-illegal habit a person can have?

57. What do you think about when you are lying in bed unable to sleep?

58. What horror stories do you have from your job?

59. If you were tasked with creating a brand new, wildly entertaining sport, what sport would you create?

60. What food do you crave most?

61. What’s the best way to spend a rainy afternoon?

62. How good are you at keeping plants alive?

63. What’s the worst part of your average day?

64. What’s the funniest lie you’ve heard someone tell?

65. What’s the most ridiculous reason someone has gotten mad at you for?

66. What childhood movie was ruined after you watched it again when you were older?

67. What’s your favorite euphemism?

68. What are some things you feel compelled to do?

69. If you were a master reverse pickpocket (putpocket?), what would you put into their pockets?

70. If you learned that your country was going to cut off all access to the internet at 12 am tonight, what would you spend your time/bandwidth downloading?

71. What does a day in the life of a couple with a super healthy relationship look like?

72. What’s your favorite thing to do when the power goes out?

73. What slang or trend makes you feel old?

74. Who do you think has it all figured out?

75. What’s something that was way better than you thought it would be?

76. How often do you dance?

77. When are you most comfortable?

21 Questions Game Show Cheating Couples

78. What are some things you’ve seen that you wish you could unsee?

79. How good are you at keeping secrets?

80. What’s something you’ve been wanting to get off your chest for a while?

81. How are you really?

82. What’s the most important thing you learned from your parents?

83. What’s the most embarrassing clothing malfunction you’ve had?

84. When was the last time you went to an amusement park or fair?

85. What book has had the biggest impact on you?

86. What was the most thoughtful gift you ever received?

87. What would be the perfect pet?

88. What are some clever insults you’ve heard?

89. What’s something that many people find unattractive in a person, but you really like?

90. What’s the best topping/ice cream combination?

91. If you could become a master in one skill, what skill would you choose?

92. How hard do you work to improve yourself or your life?

93. What do you look forward to?

94. If you could ask one question about your future, what question would you ask?

95. What would your dream home look like?

96. What do you wish you could change about yourself?

97. What do you geek out about?

98. Hammock, bean bag chair, or regular chair? Why?

99. How artistic are you?

100. What do you wish you had started a long time ago?

Things to watch out for

These are some really good things to keep an eye out for. Especially when you are just starting to date a girl. They are red flags that you’ll want to investigate a bit further before you get too serious.

Watch how she treats waiters and waitresses.

If she is mean to them she probably has a mean streak that will come out to bite you in the ass. The best way to judge a person’s kindness is how they act towards people they don’t need to be nice to. Plus, who wants spit in their food?

“I hate drama, but drama always finds me.”

Nope, she loves drama. And she probably goes out of her way to create or encourage it. Be prepared to always have some kind of drama emergency going on.

She hates your hobbies.

She won’t start liking them. You’ll either need to end it or stop doing the things you like. Find a girl who likes the same things you do. Or at the very least find a girl who tolerates your hobbies because she knows they are important to you.

Questions to ask your girlfriend – PDF and Image

Here is the PDF version of all our questions to ask your girlfriend.

And here is the image for all of the questions:

Looking for more questions to ask your girlfriend?

Interesting questions to ask a girl – Interesting questions that you can ask your girlfriend. Engaging and fun with some that make you think as well.

Would you rather questions – Always fun and entertaining. Pick out a few choice questions and give it a shot.

250 Conversation starters – Yep, 250 conversation questions. If you can’t find some good questions to ask here you probably won’t find them anywhere. They are particularly well suited to first dates and new girlfriends.

200 Questions for couples – Perfect for couples who have been a relationship for a while and want to grow closer.

Funny questions to ask – Looking for a break from all the seriousness? Try these questions!